Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Department Non-Teaching Government Employees Association (Regd.No.09/81)
Shifting and Conversions :-
- G.O.Ms.No.209 Education(I.E.2)Department, Dated 28-09-1996
- Procgs.Rc.No.1182/vc1.1/97, Dated 02-03-1997 of the C&DIE, AP, Hyderabad
- Procgs.Rc.No.55/vc1.1/98, Dated 16-05-1999 of the C&DIE, AP, Hyderabad
- Procgs.Rc.No.J1/55/01, Dated 30-05-2001 of the DIE, AP, Hyderabad
- Procgs.Rc.No.Voc.II/536/2003-1, Dated 17-05-2003 of the CIE, AP, Hyderabad
- Procgs.Rc.No.VOC.I.A-1/359/2007, Dated 08-08-2007 of the CIE, AP, Hyderabad
- Procgs.Rc.No.Voc.1-A-1/846/2007-1, Dated 23-10-2007 of the CIE, AP, Hyderabad
- Procgs.Rc.No.VOC-II-2/SIVE/249/2012 Dated 23-08-2012 of the CIE, AP, Hyderabad