Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Department Non-Teaching Government Employees Association (Regd.No.09/81)

Part-Time Establishment :-


Sl. No. Description of G.O./Procgs. G.O./Procgs.No.&Date Link to download
  MTS in RPS,2005 to the Paft-Time Lecturers of GDCs/GJCs including Vocational Staff with prospectlve effect from 01.09.2007. G.O.Rt.No.727 HE(CE.I)Dept Dated 01-09-2007 communicated in Procgs.Rc.No.Voc.1-A-1/277/2006 Dated 09-09-2007 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. download
  Permission to avail Casual Leave upto 03 days Govt.Memo.No.2892/I.E.2/2008-1 HE(IE-I)Dept Dated 27-03-2008 communicated in Procgs.Rc.No.VOC.I.A-1/330/2008 Dated 13-04-2008 of the DIE, AP, Hyd. download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff for the year 2008-2009 G.O.Rt.No.468 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 30-05-2008 download
  RPS,2005 to Vocational Lab Attender  G.O.Ms.No.274 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 12-11-2008 download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff for the year 2009-2010 Vocational G.O.Rt.No.504 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 14-06-2009 download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff for the year 2009-2010 General G.O.Rt.No.776 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 23-10-2009 communicated in Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.IIB-1/799/2009 Dated 24-10-2009 of the DIE, AP, Hyd. download
  Enhancement of consolldated salary of the Vocational Lab Attenders, appolnted after the cutoff date i.e., 25.11.1993 and from Rs.2000/- to Rs.3,900/- G.O.Ms.No.49 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 19-05-2010 communicated in Procgs.Rc.No.Voc.1-2/940/2007 Dated 05-06-2010 of the DIE, AP, Hyd. download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff for the year 2010-2011 Vocational G.O.Rt.No.449 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 17-06-2010 download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff for the year 2010-2011 General G.O.Rt.No.404 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 31-05-2010 communicated in Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.IIB-2/799/2009 Dated 18-06-2010 of the DIE, AP, Hyd. download
  RPS,2010 to Vocational Lab Attender G.O.Ms.No.22 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 05-03-2011 download
  Permission to continue PTJLs in General Stream for the year 2011-2012 G.O.Rt.No.293 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 16-05-2011 download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff for the year 2011-2012 Vocational G.O.Rt.No.294 HE(IE.I)Dept Dated 16-05-2011 download
  Payment of DA and PRC arrears in cash to Vocational JLs on MTS Govt.Memo.No.12832/IE-I-2/2010-1 HE(IE-I)Dept Dated 03-09-2011 communicated in Procgs.Rc.No.Voc.1-2/5074/2010 Dated 05-11-2011 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. download
  Payment of DA and PRC arrears in cash to Vocational JLs on MTS - certain clarification Procgs.Rc.No.Voc.1-2/5074/2010 Dated 08-06-2012 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff for the year 2012-2013 Vocational Procgs.Rc.No.Voc.1-2/23356/2012 Dated 27-06-2012 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. download
  Adjustment of PTJLs disturbed due to General transfers Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-B-2/Spl.PTJL/2013 Dated 28-05-2013 of CIE, AP, Hyd. download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff for the year 2014-2015 G.O.Rt.No.440 HE(IE)Dept Dated 07-11-2014 download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff for the year 2014-2015 Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/799-1/2014 Dated 11-11-2014 of CIE, AP, Hyd. download
  Extension of services of Part-Time staff from 01-01-2015 G.O.Rt.No.70 SE(IE)Dept Dated 05-03-2015 download
  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff(General) for the year 2015-2016

G.O.Rt.No.320 SE(IE) Dept Dated 09-07-2015
Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/5018/2015 Dated 14-07-2015 of CIE, AP, Hyd.

  Permission to continue Part-Time Staff(Voc) for the year 2015-2016

G.O.Rt.No.289 SE(IE) Dept Dated 24-06-2015

Procgs.Rc.No.Voc.1-1/2650/2015 Dated 23-07-2015 of CIE, AP, Hyd.

  Payment of DA and PRC Arrears to PT Lab Attenders on par with PTJLS in Vocational Stream

G.O.Memo.No.7552 /IE.A.1/2014 SE(IE)Dept Dated 29-03-2018

Procgs.Rc.No.Voc.1-1/1548/2014 Dated 02-07-2018 of CIE, AP, Guntur

  Extension of Remuneration to the Minimum of the Time Scale in RPS,2015 to NMRs/Daily Wages/Full Time/Part Time/Contingent employees joined before 25.11.1993 and Pay+DA in RPS,2015 to those already drawing in RPS,2010

G.O.Ms.No.142 Finance (HR.I-Plg.Policy)Dept Dated 27-08-2018

Memo.No.OP-1/136/2018 Dated 21-02-2019 of CIE, AP, Guntur.

  Implementation of certain benefits to NMRs/Daily Wages/Full Time/Part Time/Contingent employees joined before 25.11.1993 - Funeral Charges, Casual leaves, Ex-gratia, paid maternity leave and enhancement pf superannuation age from 58 to 60 years

G.O.Rt.No.26 Finance (HR.I-Plg.Policy)Dept Dated 19-02-2019

Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2 /9035/2015 Dated 26-02-2019 of CIE, AP, Guntur.

  Sanction of 12 months Remuneration to PTJLs(MTS&Hourly) General & Vocational with 10 days break Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2 /SPL/CCMLC-TS/2018-2 Dated 25-07-2019 of CIE, AP, Guntur. download
  Sanction of 12 months Remuneration to PTJAs, Computer Technicians and Senior Instructors Vocational with 10 days break Procgs.Rc.No.VOC.1-1 /2227524/2019 Dated 29-08-2019 of CIE, AP, Guntur. download