Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Department Non-Teaching Government Employees Association (Regd.No.09/81)
Special Fee Rules
Rules governing the receipts and expenditure of special fee funds – Special Fee rules for Colleges – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.593 Dated: 21-03-1972
Read the following:
1. From the Accountant General, A.P., Hyderabad.
2. Lr.No.OAD/Civil/VII/31-8/70-71/1090/1091, Dt.7-1-1971
3. From the D.P.I.Lr.No.177/K1-1/71, Dt.17-8-1971.
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The Special fee fund rules sent by the Director of Higher Education with the letter 2nd read above are approved, and appended to this order.
The Director of Higher Education is requested to issue suitable instructions to the Principals of all the Colleges (Government and Aided ) to see that these rules are implemented forthwith.
(By order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)
Education Adviser and
Ex-Officio Secretary to Government
1. Copy communicated to the under mentioned Officer.
2. The special fee rules approved by Govt. should be implemented in all colleges with effect from the beginning of the academic year 1972-73
3. As far as utilization of accumulated special fee funds are concerned action can be taken by Principals of Govt. Colleges even now by submitting proposals to the Director of Higher Education for approval.
4. Though the rates of special fees collected in affiliated colleges in Telangana area are as per the rates prescribed by the University for its Colleges, the rules of administration as approved by Government should be followed.
5. These rules shall be followed in respect of Intermediate classes in Junior and Degree colleges. The rules should be strictly adhered to and receipt of these orders should be acknowledged forthwith.
for Director of Higher Education
(G.O.Ms.No.593, Education©, Dept, dated 21-03-1972.)
Under Rule 209 of Andhra Pradesh Educational Rules, the college may levy Special Fees from students for the use of library or reading room or for any other special convenience provided. No fees shall be levied for facilities not provided. The actual levy of each special fees item should be so arranged as not to leave any large surplus at the end of each year and the collected amounts should be utilized for the purpose for which they are intended.
The list is not exhaustive. Managements are at liberty to levy special fees from students for any other purpose and also increase the rate of special fees, if such increase is necessary, to meet the full cost of any special convenience provided. It is an implied condition that in all cases, special fees collected will be utilized for the specific purpose for which the fee is collected, and invariably for the benefit of the students from whom the fees is collected.
The special fees shall not be treated as a source of income to the management and on no account shall they be merged with or diverted to general funds of the college without the previous approval of the Director. However, any internal diversion of funds from one item to another may be done under intimation to the Director along with a resolution of the appropriate special fee committees.
The special fees shall be collected by the Principal in the same manner as the tution fees from all the students/
There shall be a separate special fee fund account for the special fees collected. Special fee collections should not be credited to the general fund cash book. Proper accounts should be maintained in respect of collection and expenditure. A single cash book, ledger and bank account should be maintained.
The Principal shall maintain a bank account in one of the local scheduled banks under the designation Principal and he/she shall operate on it as and when required. The management shall not have anything to do with it. In the case of Government Colleges, Principals shall maintain the special fee funds accounts in treasuries under Personal Deposit Account.
Separate stock register for library books science apparatus, games etc., should be maintained. The stock registers should be got verified with reference to the article or books every year. Annual Inter-departmental checking and verification of stocks should be done. Annual stock verification certificates should be recorded in the respective stock registers and countersigned invariably by the Head of the Institution. Follow up action should be taken with regard to stock verification certificates to ensure recovery of loss of articles as and when noticed.
The special fees collected in a year should as far as possible, be fully utilized during the year in which it is collected and for the specified purpose. Normally, there should be no accumulation of funds at the end of the year. Where an amount is loft-over during the year, for any valid reason, such amount should be transferred to the corpus fund or spent on development activities in the case of aided colleges with the permission of the Director. There should be a supporting resolution of the appropriate students committee for the purpose. In the case of Government colleges, the accumulation of the special fee funds may be utilized towards developmental activities including the matching grants for schemes under U.G.C. with the previous permission of the Director.
Whenever books, Science apparatus, furniture, games articles are proposed to be purchased, three competitive quotations of prices of the articles should invariably be called for from reputed firms and the lowest quotation accepted, without prejudice to quality. In the case of purchase of standardized articles i.e., books journals etc., no quotations need be called for. However usual discount should be asked for. In cases where the Principals find it necessary to deviate from the normal procedure, they should invariably record the reasons for so doing and make a report to the Director in each such case.
There shall be constituted a separate committee of at least five members for each special fee fund representing the staff and students. Each committee shall be responsible for the proper utilization of the fund. An annual budget estimating the total fees collected and expenditure should be drawn up and followed. The tenure of office for the members of Committee shall ordinarily be one year. The procedure for the constitution of the committees and the conduct of business of each committee shall be as may be notified by the Principal from time to time. The correspondent of college need not necessarily be ex officio member of such committee.
Expenditure not exceeding 10% of the Collection made under (a) Library (b) Games (c) Students Union (d) Laboratory fees may be set apart for the purchase of equipment and other items of a non-recurring nature including furniture.
Expenditure from the games fund may be incurred on all or any of the following items.
(i) Cost of Materials: equipment and, apparatus required for compulsory and optional physical educational activities such as gymnasium repairs to play ground, etc., This includes equipment and apparatus required for physical training games and sports.
(ii) Cost of initial outlay on the making of tennis courts, but not the cost of maintenance and repairs, which should normally be met by levying special tennis fees or subscription to be collected from players.
(iii) Conveyance charges limited to the actual expenses to the competitors taking part in games and sports competitions, conducted outside the colleges.
(iv) Training allowance for staff accompanying the competitors at the following rates:-
(a) Single railway fare for the class for which he is entitled under A.P.T.A., Rules or single bus fare where railway journey is not possible on account of the places not being connected by rail.
(b) Mileage and D.A. at the rates admissible with reference to Government orders in force.
Note :- One member of staff may accompany the competitors sent from a college. If the number of such competitors exceeds 15, one additional member of staff may be sent, if considered necessary.
(v) Daily allowance limited to Rs. 5/- per day for the competitors taking part in games, tournaments and sport competitions, conducted in places at a distance of more than 5 miles from the colleges, and where the competitors have to halt for the night.
(vi) Conveyance charges, refreshments and lunch in the case of cricket matches only to the players and Teachers accompanying the teams in friendly matches with neighboring colleges or in local tournaments or sports competitions.
(vii) T.A and D.A. for representatives from the college to attend meetings of the Executive Committee.
(viii) Purchase of First Aid materials,
(ix) Expenditure on the purchase of inexpensive jerseys etc., for boys, and pyjamas and shirts for use when representing the college.
(x) Payment of remuneration to part-time or whole time atheiitic peon, should not exceed 1/5th of the total fee collection under the head.
(xi) A uniform rate of remuneration at 2% of the total collections of all the special fee funds put together subject to the following maximum will be paid to the ministerial staff who maintain the accounts based on the strength of the colleges :-
(a) Colleges with a strength less than 750/- The remuneration payable will be Rs. 130/- per annum for the Superintendent/Head Clerk/Senior U.D.C and Rs. 125/- per annum for each of the two other clerks.
(b) Colleges with a strength less than 750/- the remuneration payable will be Rs. 130/- per annum for the Superintendent/Head Clerk/Senior U.D.C /and Rs. 120/- for the clerk) U.D.C or L.D.C.) The remuneration payable to the , staff made in tow equal instalments in the course of the academic year.
(xii) subject to the availability of funds, audiovisual equipment such as film projector, library of films, radio, tape recorder, record players, public address system and batteries, steel almyrahs may be purchased from Audio visual Education fund.
(xiii) The members of staff of the College who maintain the Audio Visual Equipment(preferably from physics Department) may be paid remuneration as indicated below:
Rs. Per annum.
Lecturer/Asst. Lecturer -- 100
Attender -- 50
(xiv) A detailed statement based on cash book and ledger should be prepared at the end of each financial year, showing the receipts, expenditure and balance under the special fee and incorporated in the college financial statement and submitted to the Director of Higher Education.
(xv) The rates of T.A. etc., allowed for competitors in Tournments conducted at other places are also applicable to other competitors like debating teams and students Union representatives.
(xvi) A library catalogue may be printed tapping the library fees and supplied to each student if there is any balance after purchasing the books required for the library.
(xvii) Expenditure towards stationery and correspondence shall be met from different special fee funds. The colleges shall utilize the special fee funds strictly for the specific purpose for which they are intended and should not divert them to unauthorised purposes. Should any doubt arise in the actual operation of the scheme or at any stages during the implementation of the programme, The Director of Higher Education may be addressed for clarification or guidance. In all matters, the decisions of the Director of Higher Education shall be final.
The above rules governing the receipts and expenditure of Special fee funds should be implemented in all Government and Private Degree and Junior Colleges in the State.
The accumulated special fee funds should as far as possible be utilized as matching share for U.G.C schemes in Degree Colleges and for other developmental and student welfare activities of permanent nature. They should not be credited to the General Funds of private colleges. Permission of Director of Higher Education should be obtained for their utilization.
In Telangana area the rates of special fees prescribed by the Osmania University should be followed but for utilization the above government orders should be followed. Utmost care as in the case of Government/Management funds should be taken in operation of special fee fund and all financial procedures have to be followed.
The daily totals of all collections by way of challans should first be entered in the daily fee collection register, then posted to cash book and from there to the ledger. The expenditure should be entered in the cash book and from there posted to the ledger. There should be one D.F.C., one cash book. Continuous voucher numbers should be given in the cash book for the expenditure incurred and all the vouchers filed preferably pasted in a file specially designed for the purpose. There should be an advances register and when advances are given entries are to be made in the register and acknowledgement taken. When account is rendered an entry should also be made in this register. For the advance if a number of vouchers are given all of them should be entered in a sheet and totaled and signed by the giver that becomes the main voucher and all the receipts/vouchers, given showing the details of expenditure become sub-vouchers. The sub-vouchers should be filed/pasted below the main voucher giving details of expenditure.
In the ledger, under each special fee fund the daily receipt, expenditure and balance will be shown with the voucher numbers given in the cash book. In the cash book the daily receipt and expenditure under each special fee fund will be shown besides the bank columns showing the deposits, withdrawal and balance.
It is essential that the periodical checking is done between the entries made in the Bank Column of the cash book and the pass book and discrepancies reconciled in the following form failing which the cash book and pass book will not tally and over a period of time it will be impossible to rectify the mistakes committed.
Balance as per cash book.……………………………
Balance as per pass book…………………………….
Difference ………………………
- Challans not accounted for by college.
- Receipts not accounted for by Bank.
- Cheques issued and not accounted for by Bank.
- Expenditure not accounted for by college.
A separate register should be opened for deposits collected like Laboratory deposit and Library Deposit showing the name of the student, Year of course the amount collected, Receipt number and date etc. When refund is given his acknowledgement should be obtained opposite his name. Ledger account should invariably be maintained for each academic year.