Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Department Non-Teaching Government Employees Association (Regd.No.09/81)
Employees Health Scheme (EHS) :-
Contribution Rates :-
Sl. No. | Slab | Pay Grade | Amount of Subscription |
Revised Subscriptions |
01. | A | I to IV | Rs.90/- | Rs.225/- |
02. | B | V to XVII | ||
03. | C | XVIII to XXXII | Rs.120/- | Rs.300/- |
Useful Forms :-
Sl. No. | Description of the Form | Link to download |
01. | Option Form to Recover Monthly contribution towards EHS | download |
G.O.s :-
Sl. No. | Content of G.O. | G.O. No. & Date | Link to download |
01. | Constitution of Technical Committee for Cashless Treatement | G.O.Ms.No.1049 HM&FW(M2)Dept Dated 31-05-2011 |
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02. | Notification of Employees Health Scheme (EHS) | G.O.Ms.No.174 HM&FW(M2)Dept Dated 01-11-2013 |
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03. | Operational Guidelines for issued of Health Cards | G.O.Ms.No.175 HM&FW(M2)Dept Dated 01-11-2013 |
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04. | Notification and adoption of 'Final Theraphy Prices' | G.O.Ms.No.176 HM&FW(M2)Dept Dated 01-11-2013 |
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05. | Contribution Rates, Recovery of contribution from Dec.,2013 | G.O.Ms.No.331 Finance(TFR)Dept Dated 11-12-2013 |
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06. | Recovery of contribution from Jan.,2014 | G.O.Ms.No.343 Finance(TFR)Dept Dated 17-12-2013 |
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07. | CFMS Further instructions and Health cards will be issued on this data | Govt.Cir.Memo.No. 32708-A/333/A2/SMPC.II/2013 Finance(SMPC.II) Dated 28-122013 |
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08. | Recovery of contribution from Mar.,2014 | G.O.Ms.No.2 Finance(TFR)Dept Dated 04-01-2014 |
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09. | Constitution of Technical Committee to look into the cases where the cost of treatment exceeds Rs.2.00 lakhs |
G.O.Rt.No.79 HM&FW(M2)Dept Dated 21-01-2014 |
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10. | Committee to recommend the names of Associations / Unions to review the implementation of EHS | G.O.Rt.No.300 GA(SW.II)Dept Dated 24-01-2014 |
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11. | Norms for billing and guidelines for utilizations of amounts received by the Government Hospitals under Employees Health Scheme |
G.O.Rt.No.112 HM&FW(M2)Dept Dated 01-02-2014 |
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12. | Packages include pre-evaluation of patients, including consultation and investigations | G.O.Ms.No.26 HM&FW(M2)Dept Dated 05-02-2014 |
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13. | Recovery of contribution from Mar.,2014 is to be stopped until further orders | G.O.Ms.No.68 Finance(TFR)Dept Dated 20-03-2014 |
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14. | Excluding the category of ‘judicial officers’ from beneficiaries |
G.O.Ms.No.117 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 12-08-2014 |
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15. | Modifications / Amendments to the Scheme, Deductions for EHS from Nov.,2014 salary | G.O.Ms.No.134 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 29-10-2014 |
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16. | Detailed Guidelines on Out-patient (OP) Treatment for Chronic Ailments | G.O.Ms.No.135 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 29-10-2014 |
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17. | Constitution of Steering Committee to review the implementation of the Scheme from time to time |
G.O.Rt.No.3578 GA(SW)Dept Dated 30-10-2014 |
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18. | Recovery of contribution Revised Orders alongwith Govt. contribution | G.O.Ms.No.210 Finance(TFR)Dept Dated 15-11-2014 |
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19. | OP treatment for Chronic ailments in notified Government Hospitals, List of Government Hospitals notified | G.O.Ms.No.150 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 04-12-2014 |
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20. | Addition of Two more members from Employees side in the steering committe | G.O.Rt.No.4092 GA(SW)Dept Dated 18-12-2014 |
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21. | Health cards to be issued to all employees/pensioners | G.O.Ms.No.159 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 22-12-2014 |
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22. | OP treatment for chronic ailments in notified Government hospitals - Certain amendment in Notified of list of Government hospitals | G.O.Ms.No.7 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 23-01-2015 |
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23. | Extension of Technical Committee for consider the cases which are not included in the 1885 notified therapies |
G.O.Rt.No.347 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 23-06-2015 |
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24. | Escalation of Costs pertaining to Employee Health Scheme | G.O.Rt.No.12 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 23-01-2017 |
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Comprehensive Treatment and Support for patients with Carcinoma (Cancer) and Relaxation of Financial Ceiling of Rs.5.00 Lakhs (Five Lakhs only) for such patients – Orders | G.O.Ms.No.141 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 19-12-2019 |
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Inclusion of certain procedures under Dr YSR Aarogyasri Scheme to treat the cases of Suspected and Confirmed positive COVID –19 cases |
G.O.Ms.No.51 HM&FW(I)Dept Dated 06-04-2020 |
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25. | Enhancement of Monthly Subscription for both Employees / Pensioners and Government contribution – Inclusion of other categories of Employees | G.O.Ms.No.54 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 06-05-2020 |
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Inclusion of certain procedures under Dr YSR Aarogyasri Scheme to treat the cases of Suspected and Confirmed positive COVID –19 cases | G.O.Ms.No.77 HM&FW(I)Dept Dated 08-07-2020 |
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Inclusion of certain procedures under the scheme of Employees Health Scheme to treat the cases of suspected and confirmed positive COVID-19 | Cir. Dr.YSR AHCT/EHS/02/2020 Dated 07-08-2020 | download | |
Inclusion of (46)Cancer Care procedures under Employees Health Scheme on par with Aarogyasri scheme for getting the treatment in the empanelled network hospitals initially for a period of one year | G.O.Ms.No.07 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 07-01-2021 |
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Employees Health Scheme – Enhancement of Monthly Subscription for both Employees / Pensioners and Government contribution – Amendment | G.O.Ms.No.05 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 22-01-2021 |
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Strengthening of EHS Scheme | G.O.Rt.No.353 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 12-05-2023 |
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Medical Reimbursement Sceme extended upto 30-09-2017 | G.O.Rt.No.283 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 12-04-2017 |
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Medical Reimbursement Sceme extended upto 31-12-2017 | G.O.Rt.No.573 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 06-11-2017 |
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Medical Reimbursement Sceme extended upto 31-03-2018 | G.O.Rt.No.62 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 14-02-2018 |
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Medical Reimbursement Sceme extended upto 31-12-2018 | G.O.Rt.No.291 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 12-07-2018 |
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Medical Reimbursement Sceme extended upto 31-12-2018 - Comprehensive guidelines - Issued | G.O.Rt.No.345 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 21-08-2018 |
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Medical Reimbursement Sceme extended upto 30-06-2019 | G.O.Rt.No.168 HM&FW(I.1)Dept Dated 14-03-2019 |
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