Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Department Non-Teaching Government Employees Association (Regd.No.09/81)
Contract Faculty
Gist of Procgs./ GO | GO No. & Date / Procgs.Rc.No. & Date |
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Engaging Contract Faculty | G.O.Rt.No.143 HE(IE.2)Dept dated 09-10-2000 |
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Engaging faculty on Contract basis for the academic year 2002-2003 - Certain Instructions - Issued | Procgs.Rc.No.Services-II-3/ 1398/2002 Dated 31-07-2002 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Sanction of grant to Govt. Junior Colleges | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-3/ 1398/2002-3, Dated 16-05-2003 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Engaging faculty on Contract basis for the academic year 2003-2004 - Certain Instructions - Issued | Procgs.Rc.No.Services.II-2/ 2138/2003 Dated 06-09-2003 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Enhancement of remuneration by Rs.1500/- per month in both rural and urban areas w.e.f.01-11-2003 | G.O.Rt.No.1062 HE(IE.1)Dept dated 31-12-2003 |
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Engaging faculty on Contract basis for the academic year 2004-2005 - Certain Instructions - Issued | Procgs.Rc.No.Services.II-2/ 2138/2003 Dated 03-09-2004 of the DIE, AP, Hyd. Govt.Memo.No.2946/IE.I/2004-1 Dated 03-09-2004 |
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Engaging Contract faculty for the year 2004-2005 - Permission accorded - Further Instructions - Issued | Memo.No.2946/IE.I/2004-2 Dated 10-09-2004 |
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Engaing Faculty depending upon necessity during the year 2005-2006 - Certain instructions | Memo.No.Ser-II.B-4/2138/2003-2 Dated 23-02-2005 of the O/o the CIE AP, Hyd. |
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Engaging Contract faculty - Certain Instructions - Issued | Memo.No.Ser-II.B-4/821/2005-2 Dated 07-04-2005 of the O/o the CIE AP, Hyd. |
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Permission to engage faculty on contract basis in Government Junior Colleges during the year 2005-2006 - Instructions - Issued | Memo.No.Ser-II.B-4/821/2005 Dated 25-04-2005 of the O/o the CIE AP, Hyd. |
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Engaging the faculty on contract basis in Government Junior Colleges during the year 2006-2007 bases on percentage District average of two consecutive years in relevant subject - Instructions - Issued | Govt.Memo.No.PSP.3915/ IE.I/A1/2005-1 Dated 01-06-2005 |
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Engaging Faculty on Contract Basis - Government Junior Colleges in Vocational Courses - Instructions - Issued | Procgs.Rc.No.VOC.I-3/ 595/2005 Dated 30-07-2005 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Permission to engage faculty on contract basis in Government Junior Colleges during the year 2006-2007 - Instructions - Issued | Memo.No.Ser-II-B-4/4252/2005 Dated 28-05-2006 of the O/o the CIE AP, Hyd. |
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Engaging faculty on contract basis in Government Junior Colleges for the Academic year 2006 - 2007 - Certain Instructions - Issued | Memo.No.Ser-II-B-4/4252/2005 Dated 16-06-2006 of the O/o the CIE AP, Hyd. |
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Engaging faculty on contract basis in Government Junior Colleges for the Academic year 2006 - 2007 - Certain Instructions - Issued | Memo.No.Ser-II-B-4/4252/2005 Dated 16-06-2006 of the O/o the CIE AP, Hyd. |
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Engaging faculty on contract basis in Government Junior Colleges for the Academic year 2006 - 2007 - Certain Instructions regarding OAs filed by CF | Memo.No.Ser.II-B-3/1847/2006 Dated 05-07-2006 of the O/o the CIE AP, Hyd. |
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Engaging faculty on contract basis in Government Junior Colleges for the Academic year 2006 - 2007 - Certain Instructions - Issued | Memo.No.Ser-II-B-3/4252/2005 Dated 07-07-2006 of the O/o the CIE AP, Hyd. |
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Rule of Reservation to the followed in fresh CF enagements from 2007-2008 | G.O.Ms.No.61 HE(IE-I/A1) Dept dated 02-07-2007 |
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One day Leave per month, 20% relaxation to the District Average | G.O.Rt.No.491 HE(I.E-I/A1)Dept dated 05-07-2007 |
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Rule of Reservation to the followed in adjsutment of CF/PT(HB/MTS) disturbed due to tranfers | Memo.No.Ser.II-B-3/2274/2007 Dated 09-09-2007 of CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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CF honororium to be paid through cheques | Memo.No.Ser.II-B-2/693/07 Dated 03-01-2008 of CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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CLs accumulation upto 03 days | Govt.Memo.No.12754/ I.E.-I/A1/2007-2 HE(I.E.-I/A1)Dept dated 27-02-2008 |
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Continuation of services from 01-03-2008 to 19-03-2008 | G.O.Rt.No.202 HE(I.E.-I/A1)Dept Dated 28-02-2008 |
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Engaging of Contract faculty for the year 2008 -09 – Colleges located in Tribal Areas – Additional relaxation – Permitted | G.O.Ms.No.692 HE(I.E-I/A1)Dept dated 24-07-2008 |
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Enhancement of Remuneration to Rs.8500/-/Rs.7500/- | G.O.Ms.No.181 HE(I.E-I/A1)Dept dated 21-08-2008 |
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CF Remuneration payment guidelines | Prcogs.Rc.No.Ser.II.B–3/ 638/2008–1,2,3 Dated 31-08-2008 of the DIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Guidelines for engaging Fresh CF during 2009-2010 | DIE Memo.No.Ser.II.B-2/ 780/ 2009 dated 24-07-2009 |
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Non-availability of qualified candidates – Permission for engaging Contract Faculty with lesser qualification – Accorded | G.O.Rt.No.702 HE(IE.I)Dept dated 15-09-2009 |
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Non-availability of qualified candidates – Permission for engaging Contract Faculty with lesser qualification – Accorded |
G.O.Rt.No.849 HE(IE)Dept dated 21-11-2009 |
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CF with Diploma with Rs.1000/- less remuneration | G.O.Rt.No.366 HE(I.E-I)Dept dated 17-05-2010 |
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Non-availability of qualified candidates – Permission for engaging Contract Faculty in Vocational Courses with lesser qualification – Accorded | G.O.Rt.No.527 HE(IE.I)Dept dated 26-07-2010 |
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Relaxation of Pass percentage | G.O.Rt.No.931 HE(I.E-I)Dept dated 04-12-2010 |
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Maternity Leave of 60 days | G.O.Rt.No.941 HE(I.E-I)Dept dated 10-12-2010 |
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Enhancement of Remuneration to Rs.18000/- | G.O.Rt.No.187 HE(I.E-I)Dept dated 25-03-2011 |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2011-12 with result calculation guidelines | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II.B-2/ 12949/2011-1 Dated 23-05-2011 of the DIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Renewal & Fresh contract faculty for the year 2012-13 and Vocational CF Qualifications | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II.B-2/ 22324/2012 Dated 19-05-2012 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Further instructions regarding admitted strength | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II.B-2/ 22324/2012 Dated 25-05-2012 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Clarifications regarding Vocational CF qualifications | Memo.No.Ser.II.B-2/ 22324/2012 Dated 05-06-2012 of CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Clarifications regarding Vocational CF qualifications | Memo.No.Ser.II.B-2/ 22324/2012 Dated 13-06-2012 of CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Station Senior CF has to be disturbed on joining on Regular JL on transfer | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-B-2/ 22324/2012-2 Dated 29-06-2012 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Displcament of Contract JLs - Adjustment of Contract JLs - procedures circular | Circular No.CIE/Peshi/888 dated 07-09-2012 of the O/o the CIE, AP, Hyderabad |
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Adjustment of displaced Contract faculty - Certain Instructions | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-A-1/ 27288/2012 Dated 18-09-2012 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Renewal of CF for 2013-2014 with transfer guidelines | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-B-2/ 22324/2013 Dated 28-05-2013 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Renewal of CF with IPASE,May,2013 results | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-B-2/ 22324/2013 Dated 21-06-2013 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Engaging Fresh CF cancelled | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II.B-1/SPL/CF[disturbed]/2013 Dated 20-08-2013 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2014-15 upto 31-12-2014 | G.O.Rt.No.284 HE(IE)Dept dated 03-07-2014 Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 22324/2013 dated 05-07-2014 of CIE, AP,Hyd. |
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Continuation of contract faculty for the year 2014-15 from 01-01-2015 | G.O.Rt.No.1 HE(IE)Dept dated 01-01-2015 |
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Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 22324/2013 Dated 02-01-2015 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Contract Faculty can be engaged even after 58 years of age | Procgs.Memo.No.Ser.II-2/ 9035/2015 Dated 28-05-2015 of the CIE, AP, Hyd. |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2015-16 upto 31-12-2015 | G.O.Rt.No.305 SE(IE)Dept dated 02-07-2015 |
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Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 2646/2013 dated 06-07-2015 of CIE, AP,Hyd. |
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Continuation of of contract faculty for the year 2015-16 from 01-01-2016 | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 2646/2015 dated 17-03-2016 of CIE, AP,Hyd. |
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Contract Faculty cannot be engaged after 58 years of age | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 2646/2015 dated 22-12-2015 of CIE, AP,Hyd. |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2016-17 upto 31-12-2016 | G.O.Rt.No.233 SE(IE)Dept dated 09-09-2016 Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 2646/2015-1 dated 17-09-2016 of CIE, AP,Hyd. |
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Continuation of contract faculty for the year 2016-17 from 01-01-2017 | G.O.Rt.No.57 SE(IE)Dept dated 31-03-2017 |
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Enhancement of Remuneration to Rs.27000/- | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 632/2017 dated 16-08-2017 of CIE, AP,Guntur G.O.Rt.No.95 Finance(HR.II)Dept dated 12-06-2017 |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2017-18 upto 28-03-2018 | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 632/2017 dated 01-09-2017 of CIE, AP,Guntur G.O.Rt.No.162 SE(IE)Dept dated 30-08-2017 |
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Paramedical Disturbed Contract Faculty permitted to re-engaged | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 844/2014 dated 08-09-2017 of CIE, AP,Guntur Govt.Memo.No. 513438/IE/A1/2015 dated 12-08-2017 |
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Principal is the DDO for drawing Contract Faculty Honororium | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 571/2016 dated 30-11-2017 of CIE, AP,Guntur G.O.Rt.No.197 SE(IE)Dept dated 14-10-2016 |
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DVEO as DDO for Contract Faculty working against non-sanctioned posts | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 11/2018 dated 14-05-2018 of CIE, AP,Guntur Govt.Memo.No. 1091334/IE/A1/2018 dated 23-03-2018 |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2018-19 upto 28-03-2019 | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 632/2017 dated 06-06-2018 of CIE, AP,Guntur G.O.Rt.No.126 SE(IE)Dept dated 04-06-2018 |
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Sanction of 60 days Paid Materntiy leave to the Contract Faculty | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 1498752/2018 dated 14-08-2018 of CIE, AP,Guntur G.O.Rt.No.53 Finance (HR.I-Plg&Policy)Dept dated 01-05-2018 |
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Sanction of 180 days paid Maternity leave to the Contract Faculty | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 1498752/2019 dated 09-03-2019 of CIE, AP,Guntur G.O.Rt.No.17 Finance(HR.I-Plg&Policy)Dept dated 31-01-2019 |
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Sanction of Ex-gratia to the Contract Faculty | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 2313725/2019 dated 09-03-2019 of CIE, AP,Guntur G.O.Rt.No.25 Finance (HR.I-Plg&Policy)Dept dated 18-02-2019 |
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Sanction of 12 months honoroium with 10 days break and enhanced to Rs.37100/- to the Contract Faculty | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ SPL/CCMLC-TS/2018-1 dated 25-07-2019 of CIE, AP,Guntur G.O.Rt.No.12 Finance (HR.I-Plg&Policy)Dept dated 28-01-2019 |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2019-20 upto 21-03-2020 | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/ 2414196/2019 dated 30-08-2019 of CIE, AP,Guntur G.O.Rt.No.217 SE (IE) Dept dated 20-08-2019 |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2020-21 upto 21-03-2021 | Procgs.Rc.No.Services-II-2/1113476/ 2020 dated 09-10-2020 of the CIE, AP, Guntur G.O.Rt.No.199 SE(IE) Dept dated 28-09-2020 |
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Continuation of CF/PTJLs beyond 58 years and upto 60 years | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser-II-2/53773/ 2018 dated 19-01-2021 of the CIE, AP, Guntur Procgs.Rc.No.Ser-II-2/537773/ 2018 dated 08-03-2021 of the CIE, AP, Guntur |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2021-22 upto 21-03-2022 | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser-II-2/1113476/ 1358558/2020 dated 28-05-2021 of the CIE, AP, Guntur G.O.Rt.No.125 SE(IE.A1) Dept dated 24-05-2021 |
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MTS in RPS,2022 i.e.Rs.57100/- | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser-II/1631701/2022 dated 07-02-2022 of the CIE, AP, Tadepalli, Guntur G.O.Ms.No.5 Finance(HR.I-Plg.&Policy) Dept dated 17-01-2022 |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2022-23 (10 months from 01-04-2022) | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser-II-2/1113476/ 2020 dated 26-05-2022 of the CIE, AP,Tadepalli, Guntur G.O.Rt.No.79 SE(IE.A1) Dept dated 16-05-2022 |
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Extension of fve (5) days additional casual leave facility to
all the Women employees working on Outsourcing/ Contract basis in the
State Government
Procgs.Rc.No.Ser-II-2/2058410/ 2023 dated 27-04-2023 of the CIE, AP,Tadepalli, Guntur G.O.Ms.No.39 Finance(HR.I.Plg.&Policy) Dept dated 11-04-2023 |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2023-24 (11 months from 01-06-2023) | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser-II-2/2092890/ 2023-1 dated 26-05-2023 of the CIE, AP,Tadepalli, Guntur G.O.Rt.No.84 SE(IE-A1) Dept dated 26-05-2023 |
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Clarification on availing 15 days Casual Leaves | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser-II-2/2058410/ 2023 dated 27-09-2023 of the CIE, AP,Tadepalli, Guntur |
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Regularisation of the services of Contract Personnel | G.O.Ms.No.114 Finance(HR.I Plg.&Policy) Dept dated 21-10-2023 |
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Act 30 of 2023 -Regularisation of Contract Employees - Operational Guidelines | Cir.Memo.No. 2099702FIN01-HR0PDPP(OCE)/82/2023 Dated 13-12-2023 of Finance(HR.I Plg.&Policy) Dept. |
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Acts - Andhra Pradesh Regularisation of Services of Contract Employees Act,2023 - Coming into force of the Act | G.O.Ms.No.5 Finance(HR.I-PLG.&POLICY) Dept dated 12-01-2024 |
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Payment of Two months salary to contract faculty for the year 2022-23 (From 01-04-2023 to 31-05-2023) | Memo.Rc.No.Ser-II-2/2093733/ 2023 dated 09-01-2024 of the CIE, AP,Tadepalli, Guntur Govt.Memo.No.1700589/IE-A1/ 2022-3 Dept dated 05-01-2024 |
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Renewal of contract faculty for the year 2024-25 (11 months from 01-06-2024) | Procgs.Rc.No.Ser-II-2/2007595/ 2024 dated 10-08-2024 of the DIE, AP,Tadepalli, Guntur G.O.Rt.No.328 SE(IE-A1) Dept dated 09-08-2024 |
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Contract Employment in Government Departments, iversities and Societies - Remuneration & Other Benefits - Comprehensive orders | G.O.Ms.No.2 Finance(HR.I-PLG.&POLICY) Dept dated 06-01-2025 |
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