Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Department Non-Teaching Government Employees Association (Regd.No.09/81)

Certificates for Treasury Bills Download here


Certificates to be recorded when a new bills register is brought in to use 

1] Certified that this Treasury Bill Book/Register of Bills contain pages Serially numbered from _____ to _____ and brought into use w.e.f ________ [date should be noted in words] 

2] Certified that I am presenting the bills in the PAO/Treasury through this Register of bills/Treasury Bill Book only, and I have personally satisfied myself that no other register of bills/Treasury Bill Book is currently in use for presenting the bills at the PAO/Treasury. 


Certificate to be recorded when the register is completed and lodged before a new register is brought into use. 

“ Certified that I have personally satisfied myself that all the bills presented through this register of bills/Treasury Bills Book have been either encashed or returned by the PAO/Treasury.






1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously. (SR-14 UNDER TR- 16 OF APTC VOL.I)

2.Certified that the Salaries of the following persons are not being drawn in this bill (REASONS MAY BE SPECIFIED)

3.Certified that the Flag day fund has been recovered from all staff members and sent to concerned authorities by Demand Draft in favour of............. with D.D. No........... dated (FOR JANUARY SALARY PAYABLE IN FEBRUARY)

4.Certified that the Income tax has been recovered from the employees who come under I.T. purview(FOR FEBRUARY SALARY PAYABLE IN MARCH) (ART.86 OF APFC VOL.I)

5.Certified that the annual income of the staff members for whom salary is drawn in this bill do not come under the purview of Income Tax (FOR FEBRUARY SALARY BILL PAYABLE IN MARCH FOR EMPLOYEES WHO DO NOT COME UNDER I.T PURVIEW)

6.Certified that the A.P.E.W.FUND subscription @Rs.20/- has been recovered from all staff members. (FOR MARCH SALARY PAYABLE IN APRIL.) (GO.85,DT:10-4-2006)

7.Certified that the Permanent Advance Acknowledgment was sent to A.G., A.P. ,Hyderabad on ___________ (For APRIL SALARY PAYBLE IN MAY) (GO.MS.NO.63, FINANCE, DT:14-2-1976)

8.Certified that the Service Verification Particulars ,as on 31st March of all Staff members have been made in the S.R. of the Individuals (for MAY SALARY PAYABLE IN JUNE.) (Art.325 of APFC VOL. 1)

9.Certified that the Physical Fitness Certificate of the individual has been obtained and filed in this office (FOR FIRST APPOINTMENT SALARY BILL.) (FR.10)

10.Certified that this appointment has been made in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 4 of Act 2 of 1994 (for FIRST APPOINTMENT SALARY BILLS) (ISSUED BY THE APPOINTING AUTHORITY)

11.Certified that necessary entries have been made in the S.Rs of the individual. (For all Increment bills, Pay fixation bills, Arrear bills, Leave Salary bill, Surrender Leave, part final G.P.F. withdrawal bill, EEL at the time of retirement, FBF/GIS bills, HBA, MCA, MA, Motor Car and Computer Advance Bills.)

12.Certified that no senior person is overlooked in the panel appointing him to the Automatic Advancement Scheme (For pay fixation bill relating to Automatic Advancement Scheme)

13.Certified that the claim preferred in this bill is found to be excess at a later date, the entire amount will be recovered from the individual (as and when such overpayment comes to light, and remitted to the Government Account) (For all pay Fixation bills and all arrear bills.)

14.Certified that the enhanced D.A. has been claimed as per G.O.Rt.No.______ dt:________

15.Certified that the H.R.A. has been claimed as per G.O.Ms.No_____ ,dt:______

16.Certified that the employee who was suspended and claimed subsistence allowance in this bill has furnished required certificate as per FR 53(2) (for SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE BILL)

17.Certified that the employee who was suspended has submitted a certificate stating that he /she did not take up any employment / business / profession during the period claimed in this bill (FOR SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE BILLS)

18.Certified that necessary proposals have already been submitted to the Higher Authorities for continuation of temporary posts for further Period (FOR TEMPORARY ESTABLISHMENT BILLS PREFERRED BEYOND THE SANCTIONED PERIOD UPTO 3 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF LAPSE OF SANCTION.)

19.Declaration has to be obtained from the claims of the Pay and Allowances beyond the date of sanction in respect of temporary posts.(GO.MS.NO.268,DT:5-11-

1973 r/w GO.MS.NO.67,FINANCE,DT:16.2.1976).

20.Certified that the GPF schedules are enclosed separately in respect of each Departmental suffix. (GO.RT.NO.607,FINANCE,DT:8-11-1967 AND MEMO NO.30611 /487/PEN.I/71 OF FINANCE, DT:21.6.1971.)

21.Certified that the Reconciliation of both Receipts and Payments was completed upto _________ (for PAY BILLS)(GO.MS.NO.507,DT:10.04.2002)



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that there are no persons in approved panel awaiting promotion(FR.49)



3.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

4.Certified that the spouse of the Government Servant for whom Education Reimbursement is claimed in this bill is not a Government / quasi Govt / Aided / Other Government employee. (IF SPOUSE IS EMPLOYED OBTAIN NON-DRAWAL CERTIFICATE FROM THE SANCTIONING AUTHORITY UNDER WHOSE THE SPOUSE IS EMPLOYED)

5.Certified that the spouse is not a Gazatted Government Servant.

6.Certified that the children of the Govt. Servant for whom Education Reimbursement claimed in this bill have been promoted to the next higher class.



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that the Spouse of the Govt. Employee is not a Govt/QuasiGovt /Aided/ Other Government employee (IF EMPLOYEE, OBTAIN NON-DRAWAL CERTIFICATE FROM THE DDO IN WHICH THE SPOUSE IS WORKING)

3.Certified that the Parents of the Govt. Employee are not State Govt/ Central Govt/ Other Govt.Pensioners. (If claim relates to parents of the Govt. Employee)

4.Certified that necessary entries have been made in the S.Rs of the individual.

5.Certified that the claim is received in this office within time, but delay is due to administrative reasons (IN RESPECT OF DELAYED CLAIMS)

6.Certified that my Father/ Mother has no property or Income of his/her own and that he/she is wholly dependent on me. (RULE 7(b)(ii) of APIMA RULES)



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that necessary entries have been made in the S.Rs of the Individual (IN RESPECT OF PART FINAL WITHDRAWALS)

3.Certified that this is first Part Final withdrawal during the current Financial year (IN RESPECT OF PART FINAL WITHDRAWALS)



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that necessary entries have been made in the S.R of the Individual.

3.Certified that the individual has not undertaken any employment for the period of leave sanctioned and claimed in this bill.

4.Certified that the individual is having less than two surviving children (for MATERNITY LEAVE/ABORTION LEAVE BILLS)

5.Certified that the conditions imposed in SR.4 under FR.44 are fulfilled in respect of HRA & CCA.

6.Certified that the individual is having ____ No of days EL / HPL at his credit after sanctioning the present Leave(GO.Ms.No.384,F&P,dt.5-11-1977)

7.Certified that the individual would have continued in the same post, but for his going on leave.



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that necessary entries have been made in the S.Rs of the Individuals.

3.Certified that the individuals have not availed this concession during this current Financial year.

4.Certified that the individuals have not surrendered the E.L. during the Previous financial year (FOR 30 DAYS SURRENDER BILL)



1.Certified that the railway journeys included in the bill actually travelled by class for which the railway fare is claimed.

2.Certified that the bus fare claimed in this bill was paid by me.

3.Certified that the places for which mileage allowances are claimed in this bill are not connected by either railway or by regular public motor service.

4.Certified that I was not provided any Govt. Conveyance / Conveyance at the Govt. Expenses for the journeys included in this bill.

5.Certified that either boarding or lodging are not provided to me free of cost.

6.Certified that my own motorcycle / motor car was used for the distances for which mileage allowance is claimed.

7.Certified that no T.A. ,D.A. is claimed during C.L/ Public Holiday/ Optional Holiday while on Official tour.

8.Certified that the T.A., & D.A., are not claimed for those who draw HRA at the rates admissible to a qualified town on the ground that the place of duty is within 8Kms from that qualified town. (Rule 39(6)(4) of APTA RULES)



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that this claim was preferred in time by the claimant, but the delay is due to administrative reasons. (ART.54 OF APFC VOL.1)

3.Certified that the T.A. Advance taken by the individual was adjusted in this bill & No TA advance is pending for recovery.

4.Certified that the individual has not been provided with free boarding & Lodging.

5.Certified that the individual has not been provided with Govt. Conveyance.

6.Certified that I have satisfied myself about the necessity, frequency and duration of journeys and halts claimed in this bill.



1.I Certify that myself and members of my family and personal servants have actually travelled by train for which the claim is made in this bill for Railway journeys.

2.I Certify that personal effects were actually transported by road and spent a sum of Rs(Rupees _____________ In words) towards their freight and the claim is limited to the amount that would be eligible had the maximum number of Kgs of Personal effects, been taken by goods train at the rate of Rs____  Per Kg.

3.I Certify that the claim made for the family members of my family is in respect of those who are actually residing with me at the time of receipt of orders of transfer and they are wholly dependent on me.

4.I Certify that the Personal effects including conveyances transported as claimed in this bill were actually under my possession at the time of receipt of orders of transfer.

5.I certify that myself and members of my family and personal servants actually travelled by road for which bus fare or mileage allowance is claimed in this bill for road journeys.


TRANSFER T.A. BILLS (By the DDO / Controlling Officer):

1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that I have satisfied myself about the distance and rates claimed in this bill(RULE.94)

3.Certified that the individual did not avail any kind of leave exceeding 4 months (RULE68(1))



1.Certified that I have travelled the required number of days and submitted the journals to the controlling officer for the previous month on date (NOT LATER THAN 10TH OF MONTH SUCCEEDING TO WHICH IT RELATES.)

2.Certified that I have used / not used the Government vehicle (No of days) for the tour performed for the previous month.(RULE.15)



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that I have obtained the tour journals and satisfied myself that the Govt. Employee to whom the FTA was drawn and paid for the previous month made the requisite tour and the journals were retained in this office for audit purpose.



1.Certified that for the block period of ............. and not submitted any claim so far for L.T.C in respect of persons for whom L.T.C is claimed in this bill.

2.Certified that the L.T.C Advance already taken has been fully adjusted in this bill.

3.Certified that the persons for whose journey the claim is preferred in this bill have performed the journeys from .............. To ................

4.Certified that my husband / wife is not a Govt. Employee. (If employed, furnish a certificate from the Sanctioning Authority in whose office he/she is working stating that he/she has not availed of this concession for the block period..............

5.Certified that the family members for whom claim has been made in this bill are wholly dependent on me.

6.Certified that the claim is preferred within 30 days of the date of completion of return of journey.



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that the claim was preferred in time by the claimant and that the delay in presentation at the treasury is due to administrative reasons.

3.Certified that necessary entries have been made in the S.R. of the Individual regarding the availment of LTC during the block period.

4.Certified that apart from normal checks, I have verified the claim after obtaining all the required details as to the actual travel, correctness of number of family members, distance travelled, fares and mileage claimed and I am satisfied that the claim is in order.

5.Certified that the Individual has completed 5 years of Service.(FOR THE FIRST TIME LTC BILL)



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that necessary entries have been made in the S.R. of the individual (except FA/AFA/EA/APEWF bills)

3.Certified that the Spouse of the Govt. Employee is not a Govt / Quasi Govt / Aided / Other Government employee (If employee, obtain Non-Drawal certificate from the DDO in which the spouse is working.)

4.Certified that no previous advance is outstanding for recovery.

5.Certified that this is the first Festival advance for the current Financial year (for F.A. Bills)

6.Certified that the Govt employees have furnished a declaration that they are not having more than two children (EDUCATION ADVANCE AND MARRIAGE ADVANCE BILLS)

7.Certified that the Individual has completed required Service as specified in the rules (FOR ALL LOANS AND ADVANCES BILLS.)

8.Certified that the marriage was already performed (MARRIAGE ADVANCE BILL.) (UNDER 6(B) OF G.O.MS.NO.90, DT:26.3.1970)

9.A certificate to the effect that the personal security bond in Form-II is obtained and retained in this office has to be obtained.(FOR MARRIAGE ADVANCE BILLS.)

10.Certified that the Father / Mother of Government Servant are not Government Employees (SELF MARRIAGE ADVANCE CLAIMS)

11.Certified that the individual has completed 5 years of regular service.(FOR LOANS AND ADVANCES BILLS.)

12.Certified that the Loanee has not been sanctioned any other conveyance advance during the preceding 5 years. (MOTOR CYCLE / MOTOR CAR / CYCLE ADVANCE BILLS)

13.Certified that the agreements and security bonds have been obtained and retained in the office.( FOR LOANS AND ADVANCES BILLS.)

14.Certified that the Government Servant has not been sanctioned any kind of HBA previously. (HBA ADVANCE BILLS.)



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that necessary entries have been made in the S.R. of the individual.

3.Certified that the Claim was preferred by the individual within the time, but delay in presentation of claim at Treasury is administrative reasons only. And also certified that no negligence or carelessness on the part of the claimant.

4.Certified that the claim has been checked / verified with reference to the collaborated records available in this office.

5.Certified that the note of arrears have been made in the office copy of the pay bills of the individual under proper attestation. (SR.14 UNDER TR.16 OF APTC VOL.1)



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that the individual is working as since..........

3.Certified that the monetary limits have not been exceeded.

4.Certified that all the contingent employees whose wages have been claimed in this bill are actually appointed on or before 25-11-1993.

5.Certified that all the Contingent employees whose pay is charged in this bill were actually utilised in Government Service during the period concerned.(SR 20 UNDER TR 16 OF APTC VOL.1)



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that all telephone calls included in the telephone bill are Official only.

3.Certified that the Ceiling Limits Prescribed by the Government from time to time are not exceeded.

4.Certified that the previous bill drawn for the said purpose was paid and receipt was obtained.



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that while procuring the vehicles on hired basis, procedure laid down in Art.125 of APFC VOLUME.I was followed.

3.Certified that all vehicles claimed in this bill are registered under TAXI quota.

4.Certified that the Pollution Certificate / Insurance Policy / Fitness Certificate / Driver License are in force for the vehicles claimed in this Bill.

5.Certified that the vehicles are solely used for Official purpose only.

6.Certified that the payment has been made to the Owner of the Taxi only.

7.Certified that the Ceiling Limits prescribed in the G.Os are not exceeded.



1.Certified that this amount has not been drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that Stock has been received in good condition and entered at Page No.____ in the Stock Register under proper attestation.

3.Certified that the scales of expenditure and other implications restrictions prescribed in the rules for office expenses have been observed.

4.Certified that the vouchers belowRs.1,000/- have been cancelled and retained in this office for audit purpose.

5.Certified that the entry has been made in the LOG BOOK at Page No...... of (VEHICLE NUMBER) under proper attestation.(FOR PETROL / OIL BILLS)

6.Certified that the ceiling limit for consumption of OIL for the vehicle No.___ has not been exceeded. (OIL BILLS)

7.Certified that the amounts drawn previously for the said purpose was paid to the respective parties, obtained required receipts and filed in this office for audit purpose.

8.Certified that the Ceiling Limit for repairs to the typewriters has not been exceeded.(FOR REPAIRS TO TYPEWRITERS)

9.Certified that the nature of expenditure in this bill has been issued within the financial powers delegated by the Government / Competent authority. (FOR ALL CONTINGENT BILLS)

10. Certified that the Articles / Materials billed for have been purchased on the tender system as prescribed on the tender system as prescribed in Art.125 of APFC Vol.I have been received in good order that their grants are correct and their quality good. That the rates paid are not in excess of the Market Rates and the suitable notes of payment have been recorded against the original indents and invoices concerned to prevent double payment.(FOR ALL PURCHASE OF STORES BILLS.)

11.Certified that the materials and stores billed for have been brought on the respective inventories and all materials and stores are being duly accounted for and verified in the manner laid down in Art.133-145 of APFC VOL.I. (FOR ALL PURCHASE OF STORES BILLS)

12. Certified that the Book / Periodicals and other Non-Govt Publications are clearly necessary for the discharge of official duty. (FOR PURCHASE OF BOOKS AND PERIODICALS BILLS.) (RULE 13(1) UNDER ITEM 7 OF APFC VOL.1)

13.Certified that the rents drawn in the previous bills has been paid to the concerned party, obtained receipt and retained in this office for record purpose. (FOR RENT BILL)

14.Certified that the rent claimed in this bill are at the rates prescribed in the G.O. and Administrative Sanction was accorded by the Competent Authority. (FOR RENT BILL)

15.Certified that no portion of the building is let out or used for residential purpose.(FOR RENT BILLS)

16.Certified that the repairs and parts purchased for motor vehicles are entered in Form- B Register. (FOR MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR BILLS)

17.Certified that the bills for repairs / replacement charges have got scrutinized by the transport authorities concerned. (FOR VEHICLE REPAIRS / SPARE BILLS )

18.Certified that all contingent vouchers with Serial Number, date has been entered in the contingent register (FOR ALL CONTINGENT BILLS)

19.Certified that the quantitative and monetary limits have not been exceeded. (FOR ALL CONTINGENT BILLS).

20.Certified that the attendance for payment of scholarships for the students claimed in this bill for the period specified in the proceedings have been obtained and retained in this office for audit purpose. (FOR SCHOLARSHIP BILLS.)

21.Certified that the names of the colleges have been included in the list approved by the Government for payment of scholarships for the current financial year. (FOR SCHOLARSHIP BILLS.)

22.Certified that the attendance of the contractual employees for the period claimed in this bill has been obtained and retained in this office for audit purpose.(FOR CONTRACTUAL PAYMENT BILLS - 300 HEAD)

23.Certified that the attendance of the employees for whom the Honorarium was claimed in this bill has been obtained and retained in this office for audit purpose. (FOR PAYMENT OF HONORORIUM BILLS.)

24.Certified that this amount was initially paid by the DDO / individual to meet the urgency.(FOR THE CONTINGENT AMOUNT BILLS CREDITED TO THE DDO ACCOUNT / INDIVIDUAL )

25.Certified that the consumption of water is for office purpose only. (FOR WATER TAX BILLS.)

26.Certified that non-Tax limits delegated in respective orders of the Government are not exceeded (ALL PURCHASE BILLS)

27.Certified that the purchase of stores from the small scale industries sector claimed in this bill have fulfilled the instructions issued by the Government from time to time. (ALL PURCHASE BILLS.)

28.Certified that the sanctioning authority has satisfied himself that the scales & conditions prescribed by the Government from time to time. (FOR REMUNERATION TO THE EXAMINER BILLS.)

29.Certified that the condition laid down in Govt.MemoNo.6451/D/67-1, Industries, dt:08-01- 1968, G.O.Ms.No.323, dt:06-04-1968 have been fulfilled (FOR ALL PURCHASES BILLS)

30.Certified that a Note of repayment has been recorded against original entry. (REPAYMENT OF LAPSED DEPOSIT BILLS.) (SR.31 OF TR-16 OF APTC VOL.I)

31.Certified that the restrictions prescribed in regard to time limits have not been contravened.(REFUND OF REVENUE DEPOSIT BILLS.) (ART.35 OF APFC VOL.I)


F.B.F. / G.I.S. BILLS:

1.Certified that the amount claimed in this bill was not drawn and paid previously.

2.Certified that the employee has completed two years of service when he was admitted to the F.B.F. Scheme.

3.Certified that the employee has not availed any EOL during the period of the claim.

4.Certified that the individual has not misappropriated any Govt. Money during his service.

5.Certified that the employee comes under the category of Superior / Inferior service.