Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Department Non-Teaching Government Employees Association (Regd.No.09/81)
Automatic Advancement Scheme :-
Public Services – Revision of Pay Scales, 2005 – Automatic Advancement Scheme in the
Revised Pay Scales, 2005 - Recommendations of Pay Revision Commission - Orders -
Sl. No. | Description of G.O. | GO No. & Date | Link to download |
Adhoc or Special promotion for 15 years | G.O.Ms.No.266 G.A.(Ser.A)Dept., Dated 25-05-1981 | Volume-I Page No.82 |
Procedure for SGP & SPP | G.O.Ms.No.117 Fin. & Plg. (FW.PRC.I)Dept., Dated 25-05-1981 | Volume-I Page No.83 |
Special Increments beyond maximum | G.O.Ms.No.118 Fin. & Plg. (FW.PRC.I)Dept., Dated 25-05-1981 | Volume-I Page No.89 |
Selection Grade scales to Typists etc. | G.O.Ms.No.145 Fin. & Plg. (FW.Courts)Dept., Dated 22-06-1981 | Volume-I Page No.91 |
Pay fixation for Special Grade | G.O.Ms.No.146 Fin. & Plg. (FW.Courts)Dept., Dated 22-06-1981 | Volume-I Page No.93 |
Clarification on creation of S.G.P. and S.P.P.I | Govt.Memo.No.41086-202/PRC.I/81-1, Dated 31-12-1981 | Volume-I Page No.94 |
Clarification on creation of S.G.P. & S.P.P.I | G.O.Ms.No.39 Fin. & Plg. (FW.PRC.I)Dept., Dated 18-02-1982 | Volume-I Page No.97 |
Pay fixation under FR22(a)(i) on promotion for S.P.P. holders | Govt.Memo.No.26378-C/660/PRC-1/82, dated 24-06-1982 | Volume-I Page No.98 |
S.G.P. & S.P.P. before 01-04-1981 also | G.O.Ms.No.4 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 07-01-1983 | Volume-I Page No.99 |
S.P.P. for grade XVIII (Doctors) also | G.O.Ms.No.27 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 31-01-1983 | Volume-I Page No.100 |
Clarification for "Satisfactory Service" | Govt.Memo.No.6184-A/54/PRC.-I/83-1, dated 23-02-1983 | Volume-I Page No.102 |
Pay Protection S.G.P. or S.P.P. | G.O.Ms.No.58 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 26-02-1983 | Volume-I Page No.102 |
S.P.P. Pay treated as substantive pay | G.O.Ms.No.91 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 10-03-1983 | Volume-I Page No.103 |
S.G.P. after promotion on par with his junior | G.O.Ms.No.190 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 10-06-1983 | Volume-I Page No.105 |
Anomaly in promotion after getting S.P.P. | G.O.Ms.No.297 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 25-10-1983 | Volume-I Page No.104 |
Clarification FR 22(a)(i) for promotion after S.P.P. also | Govt.Memo.No.36525-A/462 /PRC.I/83-1, dated 12-01-1984 | Volume-I Page No.108 |
Clarification to count all incremental service for S.P.P. | Govt.Memo.No.1251-B/118 /PRC.I/83, dated 06-02-1984 | Volume-I Page No.109 |
Creation of Automatic Advancement Grades to Teachers | G.O.Ms.No.78 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC-I) Dept., dated 13-03-1984 | Volume-V Page No.75 |
Pay protection for senior on par with junior | G.O.Ms.No.179 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC) Dept., dated 30-04-1984 | Volume-I Page No.110 |
Amendment to G.O.No.117, dated 25-05-1981 | G.O.Ms.No.238 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 25-06-1985 | Volume-I Page No.111 |
Clarification to fix under FR 22(a)(i) & 31(2) for S.P.P. | Govt.Memo.No.11720-B/616/PC/86-1, dated 20-09-1986 | Volume-I Page No.113 |
Clarification for pay fixation | Govt.Memo.No.002678/ 107/A2/PRC.I/87-1, dated 06-05-1987 |
Volume-I Page No.114 |
Pay Fixation in scales of 1986 for attenders etc. | G.O.Ms.No.184 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 22-07-1987 | Volume-I Page No.115 |
Pay Fixation for drivers of S.P.P. | G.O.Ms.No.290 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 24-10-1987 | Volume-I Page No.116 |
S.G.P., S.P.P.-I, S.P.P.-II in scales of 1986 | G.O.Ms.No.2 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 04-01-1988 | Volume-I Page No.117 |
S.P.P.-II - Clarification | Govt.Memo.No.017-E/ 307/A2/PRC.I/88, dated 29-04-1988 |
Volume-I Page No.121 |
On relinquishment of promotion -benifit under A.A.S. not eligible | Govt.Memo.No. 007/375 /Prc.I/88 Fin.&Plg.(F.W.PRC.I) Dept. dated 26-10-1988 | download | |
Abolition of Intermediary Posts | G.O.Ms.No.314 Fin.&Plg.(Fin.PRC-I) Dept., dated 13-12-1988 | Volume-II Page No.134 |
S.P.P.-II for Attenders etc. | G.O.Ms.No.91 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 18-03-1989 | Volume-I Page No.122 |
Excess payment waived - clarification | Govt.Memo.No.130-C/ 582/PRC.III/91, dated 02-04-1991 |
Volume-I Page No.124 |
Promotion of Attenders enjoying Automatic Advancement Grades to the category of Record Assistants – Total service put in Attender & Record Assistant is to reckoned for AAS | G.O.Ms.No.45 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC-II) Dept., dated 15-02-1993 | download | |
Relinquishment of Promotion after deriving the benifit of A.A. Scheme | Govt.Memo.No.3307/B/ 43/PC-II/93, dated 24-02-1993 |
Volume-VI Page No.224 |
Automatic Advancement Scheme in the Revised Scales | G.O.Ms.No.290 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC-II) Dept., dated 22-07-1993 | Volume-II Page No.136 |
Non-Teaching staff of universities | G.O.Ms.No.348 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC.II) Dept., dated 22-07-1993 | Volume-II Page No.142 |
Amendment to FR 22-B | G.O.Ms.No.358 Fin.&Plg.(FW.FR.II) Dept., dated 25-10-1993 | Volume-II Page No.143 |
Promotion of Attenders enjoying Automatic Advancement Grades to the category of Record Assistants - Clarification | Govt.Memo.No.30089-A/709/PC.II/93, dated 20-01-1994 | download | |
Fixation of Pay in respect of employees enjoying Automatic Advancement Scales - Clarification | Govt.Memo.No.00769 /76/PC.II/94, dated 07-02-1994 |
Volume-II Page No.146 |
Junior Drawing more pay than senior promoted earlier | G.O.(P).No.75 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC.II) Dept., dated 22-02-1994 | Volume-II Page No.147 |
Junior Drawing more pay than senior promoted earlier | G.O.Ms.No.84 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC.I) Dept., dated 02-03-1994 | Volume-II Page No.150 |
AAS - Modified Scheme from 01-07-1992 | G.O.(P).No.362 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC-II) Dept., dated 28-10-1994 |
Volume-III Page No.29 |
Errata to G.O.(P) No.362 | G.O.(P).No.366 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC-II) Dept., dated 11-11-1994 |
Volume-III Page No.32 |
Service as Jr. Asst. and Typist to be counted under AAS | Govt.Memo.No.15685 /Q1/94-2 HM&FW(Q.I) Dept., dated 03-01-1995 |
Volume-III Page No.32 |
Junior drawing Higher Pay than senior in SPP-II. Clarification | Govt.Memo.No.34945 /781/PC-II/A1/94 dated 05-01-1995 |
Volume-V Page No.78 |
AAS in RPS 1993 - Classification | G.O.(P).No.136 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC.II) Dept., dated 25-05-1995 |
Volume-III Page No.33 |
Anamoly of Jr. drawing more Pay than Sr. promoted earlier - Rectification | G.O.(P).No.223 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC.II) Dept., dated 10-09-1996 |
Volume-III Page No.34 |
Stoppage of increment without cumulative effect – Computation of service rendered under Automatic Advancement Scheme – Clarification |
Govt.Memo.No.41082 /574/A1/PC.II/95 dated 30-12-1996 |
download | |
Protection of SAPP Scale-II to VDOs and appointment as EO Grade-II | Govt.Memo.No.38463 /918/A1/FC-II/4 dated 21-06-1997 |
Volume-V Page No.78 |
Automatic Advancement Grades to Teachers - Date of effect indicated | G.O.Ms.No.127 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC-II) Dept., dated 14-08-1997 | Volume-V Page No.79 |
Appointment to Automatic advancement Grades | Govt.Memo.No.37806 /A1/399/PC-II/96 dated 16-09-1997 |
Volume-V Page No.81 |
Erroneous Pay fixation in Automatic Advancement Grades under G.O. 117 - recovery in instalments | G.O.Ms.No.140 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC-II) Dept., dated 16-09-1997 | Volume-V Page No.83 |
Erroneous Pay fixation in Automatic Advancement Grades in RPS 1986 - recovery in instalments | G.O.Ms.No.141 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC-II) Dept., dated 16-09-1997 | Volume-V Page No.84 |
Erroneous Pay fixation in Automatic Advancement Grades in RPS 1993 to Teachers - Recovery in instalments | G.O.Ms.No.142 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC-II) Dept., dated 16-09-1997 | Volume-V Page No.86 |
Erroneous Pay fixation in Automatic Advancement Grades in RPS 1993 to Teachers - Recovery in instalments | G.O.Ms.No.143 Fin.&Plg.(FW.PC-II) Dept., dated 16-09-1997 | Volume-V Page No.87 |
Automatic Advancement Scheme in RPS 1986 extended to language pandits - Grade - I | Govt.Memo.No.572- C/61/A1/PC-II/95 dated 30-09-1997 |
Volume-V Page No.89 |
Reckoning the service rendered in the cadre of Junior Lecturers for Career Advancement Scheme | G.O.Ms.No.28 Edn.(UE-II) Dept., dated 22-01-1999 |
Volume-VI Page No.226 |
Extention of Automatic Advancement Scheme to EOs | G.O.Rt.No.314 Rev.(Endts.II) Dept., dated 26-02-1999 |
Volume-VI Page No.228 |
Automatic Advancement Scheme in RPS-1999 | G.O.(P).No.150 F&P (FW.PC.II) Dept., dated 01-09-1999 |
Volume-VI Page No.229 |
Allowing SPP-I Scale to EO Gr-I, Gram Panchayats | Govt.Memo.No.38154/ E-IX/A2/91-10 dated 03-01-2000 |
Volume-VI Page No.233 |
A.A. Scheme to Employees working in Aided Institutions | Act. 9 of 2000 Dated 25-04-2000 |
Volume-VI Page No.233 |
A.A. Scheme to Spl. Teachers, Spl. Language Pandits, Spl. P.E.T.s | G.O.Ms.No.92 Edn.(Ser.III) Dept., dated 08-08-2000 |
Volume-VI Page No.236 |
Clarification | Govt.Memo.No.18310/ 204/A1/PC-II/2000 dated 31-08-2000 |
Volume-VI Page No.238 |
Fixation of Pay to category-III Teachers in Automatic Advancement Scheme | G.O.Ms.No.79 SE(Ser.III) Dept., dated 03-07-2001 |
Volume-VI Page No.238 |
Clarification on Act. 9/2000 | Govt.Memo.No.9968/ PS/I/2001 dated 06-08-2001 |
Volume-VI Page No.259 |
Automatic Advancement Scheme to Govt. Doctors - Amendments | G.O.Ms.No.179 HM & FW(A.2) Dept., dated 28-05-2002 |
Volume-VI Page No.260 |
Concession to Category-III - Teachers for appearing P.A.T. for two times - Eligibility to AAS. | G.O.Ms.No.84 Edn. (Ser.V) Dept., dated 25-10-2002 |
Volume-VII Page No.250 |
Amendment to G.O.Ms.No.84 dated 25-10-2002 |
G.O.Ms.No.100 Edn. (Ser.V) Dept., dated 30-07-2003 |
Volume-VII Page No.251 |
Unaided service for purpose of pension and AAS | G.O.Ms.No.32 Edn. (I.E.II) Dept., dated 05-04-2004 |
Volume-VII Page No.253 |
Special Promotion Scales I & II Under AAS to all ranks in Police Dept., w.e.f.08-09-2001 | G.O.Ms.No.265 Home (L.II) Dept., dated 01-12-2004 |
Volume-VII Page No.256 |
Counting of Aided service for the purpose of Automatic Advancement Scheme | Ordinance No.3, Dated 11-04-2005 |
Volume-VII Page No.257 |
Automatic Advancement Scheme in RPS-2005
G.O.(P)No.241 Finance(PC-II)Dept dated 28-09-2005 |
download | |
Clarification on SPP-II / SAPP-II | Govt.Memo.No.661/ 12/PCII/2006 dated 01-03-2006 |
Volume-VII Page No.272 |
AAS in RPS,2005 (OMC) | G.O.(P)No.201 Finance(PC-II)Dept dated 10-07-2006 | download | |
Automatic Advancement Scheme in the All India Council for Technical Education pay scales - Rectification of Anamoly | G.O.Ms.No.161 HE (TE-I/A2) Dept., dated 18-09-2006 |
Volume-VII Page No.281 |
Automatic Advancement Scheme - Further Instructions | Govt.Memo.No.216- A/2/A2/PC-II/2007-1 dated 23-03-2007 |
Volume-VIII Page No.320 |
Taking into account of Apprentice Period rendered by the Teachers for A.A.S. | G.O.Ms.No.38 Education (SE.Ser.III) Dept., dated 26-05-2007 |
Volume-VIII Page No.324 |
Amendment to G.O.Ms.No.38 | G.O.Ms.No.54 Education (SE.Ser.III) Dept., dated 02-08-2007 |
Volume-VIII Page No.326 |
Reckoning of Service for Purpose of Automatic Advancement Scheme - Clarification | Govt.Cir.Memo.No. 038035/199/PC.II/2008 dated 19-09-2008 |
download | |
Automatic Advancement Scheme - Clarification | Lr.No.14531/140/PC-II/2008-2 Dated 18-02-2009 |
Volume-VIII Page No.327 |
Passing of the Departmental Tests to the Teachers who crossed 50 years of for sanction of A.A.S. | Govt.Memo.No.21073/ 193/PC-II/2009 dated 21-02-2009 |
Volume-VIII Page No.331 |
Reckoning of Service for purpose of Automatic Advancement Scheme | Govt.Memo.No.038035 /199/PC-II/2008 dated 19-09-2009 |
Volume-VIII Page No.336 |
Fixation of Pay under Fr 31(2) on Promotion after appointment to S.P.P.-II | Govt.Memo.No.011382 /63/PC-II/2009 dated 17-11-2009 |
Volume-VIII Page No.339 |
AAS in RPS,2010 | G.O.(P)No.93 Finance(PC-II) Dept dated 03-04-2010 | download | |
Counting of Service of Special Teachers, special Language Pandits, Special P.E.Ts who were appointed from 1996 onwards and absorbed as SGTs rendered on consolidated pay for sanction of 8/16 yeas automatic Advancement scheme and for purpose of Pensionary benefits on notional basis | G.O.Ms.No.21 Education (PE.Ser.I) Dept., Dated 18-05-2010 |
Volume-IX Page No.44 |
Extension of Rule 6(i) to the employees holding the scale under Automatic Advancement Scheme | Govt.Memo.No.29300.D /175/PC-I/A2/2010 dated 03-12-2010 |
Volume-VIII Page No.355 |
Modified AAS in RPS,2010 6/12/18/24 along with clarifications | G.O.Ms.No.96 Finance(PC-II) Dept dated 20-05-2011 Govt.Cir.Memo.No. 020091/125/PC.II/2011 dated 17-08-2011 |
download | |
Eligibility to Special Adhoc Promotion post scale I & II for certain categories | G.O.Ms.No.537 G.A. (S.M.III) Dept., dated 06-09-2011 |
Volume-VIII Page No.371 |
Further clarifications on modified AAS in RPS,2010 6/12/18/24 | Govt.Cir.Memo.No. 023400-A/163/PC.II/2011 dated 09-09-2011 | download | |
RPS 2010 - A.A.S. Allowing SPP-II Scale (Second level Promotion) to the Category-III Teachers who crossed 50 years of age - Certain Clarification | Govt.Memo.No. 034408 /248/PC.II/2011 dated 04-02-2012 |
Volume-IX Page No.46 |
Public Services - A.A.S. - Stepping up of Pay of Senior on par with Junior after availing Automatic Advancement Scheme and FR 22(B) - Clarification | Govt.Memo.No.5465 /48/A2/AC.I/2011 dated 14-03-2012 |
Volume-IX Page No.48 |
RTI Act,2005 - Appeal of Smt.M.Aruna, R/o Dilsukh Nagar, Hyderabad under RTI, Act 2005 - Reg. | Lr.No.31265/261/PC-I/A1/2013 Dated 16-12-2013 |
Volume-IX Page No.49 |
APAS - Fixation of Pay of an employee promoted to second level promotion post from SPP-II Scale - Clarification sought for | Memo.No.14845/F.P-I(2)/2013 Agriculture and Cooperation (F.P-I) Dept. Dated 18-01-2014 | download | |
AAS in RPS,2015 | G.O.(P)No.68 Finance(HRM.V)Dept dated 12-06-2015 | download | |
Rejecting the bills relating to 12 years scale due to non passing of Departmental tests - clarification sought for -Issued |
Lr.No.FIN02-18022/29/2018-H Sec-DTA Dated 11-03-2020 of the DTA, AP | download | |
AAS in RPS,2022 | G.O.Ms.No.1 Finance(PC- TA)Dept dated 17-01-2022 (Point-10) |
download | |
PS - T&A Department - Automatic Advancement Scheme (AAS) - Acquiring requisite qualification after completion of 12/24 years - Appointment to AAS - Clarification issued - Reg | Lr.No.FIN02-18069/143/2024-H SEC-DTA Dated 10-10-2024 of the DTA, AP | download |