Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Department Non-Teaching Government Employees Association (Regd.No.09/81)

Article archive

02/04/2015 09:19

Special Fee Rules

GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT   Rules governing the receipts and expenditure of special fee funds – Special Fee rules for Colleges – Issued. _____________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION (C) DEPARTMENT   G.O.Ms.No.593...


15/03/2015 17:33

Govt.Cir.Memo.No.28688/139/A2/Pen.II/2013 Finance(Pension-II)Dept Dated 02-12-2013

Overdrawings from General Provident Fund by some Subscribers resulting Minus Balances - Recovery of overdrawn amount alogm with Penal Interest - Instructions - Issued 


29/01/2015 02:47

First blog

Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.
